Funny retirement sayings and poems, when added to the farewell toasts and speeches can do wonders for the mood of any retirement party. Retirement sayings are more like a stanza (4 lines) of a poem or even a one-liner rather than full blown retirement jokes.
Retirement parties are bittersweet occasions. And chances are, your outgoing colleague is feeling somewhat emotional, as are the people he has been working with. Humor can always help lighten the ambience and bring cheer to it. It helps to remind people that they could instead focus on the positive side of every situation. And, you could use retirement poems and adages to talk about all the exciting things your retiring coworker can be doing with her time. So, where can you find funny retirement sayings?
Read ahead for some amazing ideas to come up with the best funny retirement sayings ever. Here's a gist:
- Write Funny Retirement Sayings Yourself
- Formula for Writing Funny Retirement Jokes and Sayings
- Find Funny Retirement Sayings on the Internet
- Try the Card Store
- Walk Down Memory Lane
- Scour Gift Shops
- Research Your Guest of Honor
- Find out about Post-Retirement Plans
You'll also read about a few great ideas on how to present the funny retirement sayings and then turn them into cherished keepsakes. Here's how:
- Read them Out at the Retirement Party
- Create an Album or Catalog
- Make Video Recordings of the Readings
Where to Find Funny Retirements Sayings
Write Funny Retirement Sayings Yourself
You can, of course, try writing snappy retirement poems on your own. Many times, poems don’t even have to rhyme exactly. Although, maintaining a good rhythm within the verses is a good suggestion to follow. But even if you’re writing your own humorous retirement sayings, you may want to find a few examples, just to help get you started. There are many sources of interesting and funny retirement adages. You’ll only have to do a bit of research to find them.
Formula for Writing Funny Retirement Jokes and Sayings
Here's a simple formula. Make a list of words or phrases that describe the retiree. Maybe one of the words is, "hard working." Now think of words that rhyme (go through each letter of the alphabet). Here are some:
Everyone says John is hard working
Many evenings in the office he is lurking
I caught him myself just weeks ago
Listening to music and practicing his twerking
Just focus on the warm sentiments and wishes your words convey and you're good to go. Picture the retiree in your mind and think about everything you might want to say to him. The rest should be easy.
Find Funny Retirement Sayings on the Internet
One of the first places where you might look is, of course, the Internet. It’s probably your best resource for finding 1000 funny retirement poems and words of wisdom. And a simple search can yield you hundreds of thousands of results. But don’t be surprised if you find more than one of the same poem on a variety of different websites. Retirement poems and adages are cycled around via e-mail quite a bit. And, people will collect them and archive them on their websites. These sites can be great resources when you want to get the bare bones of a funny retirement poem. Later, you can simply expand on it in order to personalize the poem for your retiring colleague.
Try the Card Store

Another suggestion for finding funny retirement sayings is to simply head on over to your local card store and check out their collection. You don’t have to buy a card – though if you happen to find a great card while you’re there, don’t hesitate to pick it up. The retirement adages on these cards have been written by professionals and published by card companies. So – generally speaking – you can expect good work. You could also shop at online stores like Pinterest, Zazzle, Amazon, or any other for cards that you can order to have shipped.
Looking at cards in a store can also help to give you some inspiration. Even if you’re not exactly looking for a card, specifically. And, if you happen to find one that you particularly like, you can always buy the card and get some help from a copy store in getting it printed out in a larger form for framing so that you can give it to your retiring colleague as a gift.
Walk Down Memory Lane
Throughout the course of your career, there’s bound to have been at least one humorous event that’s been shared between you and your colleagues. Whether it’s an incident involving a copy machine or even having forgotten some essential presentation piece while on the road, we all have memories about the people we’ve worked with that make us laugh. And a retirement party is a great place to share and relive these memories, especially through funny retirement sayings.
While you can also turn the memories and experiences into humorous lessons to save and keep in mind for life ahead, use this idea with caution. Keep in mind that the incidents you intend to talk about don't make the retiree come across as an inept, bumbling person. There's a very thin line between wholesome fun and insults and sick humor. Make sure you don't cross it with your funny retirement sayings and embarrass your outgoing colleague.
Scour Gift Shops
Gift shops are another great place to find funny retirement sayings, as they may have books of retirement poems or quotes, as well as a wide selection of retirement gifts – from the sentimental to the most hilarious gag gifts in the world. In addition, the people who work there will likely be able to assist you in finding funny retirement poems for your company’s going away party.
Some stores also have ready party packages that you can choose from. And, since many of them are theme based, you will have covered yet another important part of the party planning. That of a fun-filled party. These packages include decorations, streamers, and other accessories that can prove to be economical too. Take a look at their collections of balloons in shapes of bottles, beer mugs, or just about any other caricatures and objects. You might find that some of them have cute, short retirement quips inscribed on them. You could also check out their collection of banners.
Research Your Guest of Honor

Your retiring coworker probably admires some famous personality. It could be a sports person, artist, author, scientist, philosopher, or even a beloved cartoon character. When looking for funny retirement sayings, see if you can find some inspirational quotations attributed to this favorite idol. Your colleague will be deeply touched that you made the effort to look for someone he likes. And, if you’re thinking about where to get the information -- check with your coworker’s spouse or family members. They will be happy to guide you.
Here's another idea. Every person has some quirks or say, a particular phrase he uses all the time. He could be a huge fan of a particular brand of beer or a specific cuisine. He may also love the wordings of a particular song and when you ask his family, they might tell you how he lights up when it is played. Consider weaving all these little tidbits of personal information into the adages and watch your retiring friend look absolutely touched and thrilled at the special effort you took for him.
Only, make sure the information you give out makes him look adorable and not annoying. For instance, talking about Sheldon's adulation of Leonard Nimoy and his obsession with trains is cute. But, his belief that he is the best thing that happened to science on planet earth could be annoying.
Post-Retirement Plans
Another great idea is to ask around for what the retiree plans to do after saying goodbye to his career. You could look for funny retirement sayings crafted around his upcoming retired life. For instance, if your friend intends to travel, try this adage, “Do you think that life after retirement is an adventure? Well, it is if you count trekking out of bed, climbing atop sofas and diving into takeaways. Have fun.”
Or, say, she intends to get a part-time job as a consultant. Use this one, “Retirement is the beginning of the time when you can sit back and give advice to others, even though you never followed it in your own life. Congratulations.” You could also try this one. "Did you think the living a life of retirement is a wonderful dream? It will be when you spend all that time napping."
This one is even funnier - "You know you're ready to retire when getting lucky means finding your car in the parking lot." Or,try this one. "Remember all those things that you wanted to do in your life, but didn’t because you never had the time? Don’t plan on doing them after your retirement either – lounging around in your pajamas and napping in the sun will seem like a better thing to do! Wish you a happy retirement."
Work on the Presentation of Your Funny Retirement Sayings
Even the best of funny sayings, poems, adages, and other retirement words can have the maximum impact if they are presented properly. Now that you have a whole bunch of sayings to use, figure out the best way to give them to your colleague who is about to retire. Here are a few ideas you could use.
Read them Out at the Retirement Party
You could consider having your coworkers read them out at the retirement party. Assign a card to all the colleagues and request them to read the adage aloud in place of the speech. Or, if they have a short speech planned, ask them if they would like to add a funny saying. In case the mood of the party is starting to feel emotional, your funny quotes can lighten the atmosphere instantly.
Create an Album or Catalog

Having spent so much time and energy compiling these amazing sayings, you might want to offer the recipient an opportunity to preserve them. At some time in the future, when she is lonely and misses her office friends terribly, she'll want to reread all your funny retirement sayings. They will help her enjoy reliving all the wonderful times of her career. Think about writing all the sayings on beautifully decorated colorful paper and present them all to her. Create an album or a catalog and make it a part of the many tokens and mementos you'll be giving her. Think about having the readers sign each card with a small heartfelt message.
Think about writing all the sayings on beautifully decorated colorful paper and present them all to her. Create an album or a catalog and make it a part of the many tokens and mementos you'll be giving her. Think about having the readers sign each card with a small heartfelt message.
Make Video Recordings of the Readings
Another interesting way to preserve the happy mood your retirement adages create is to make video recordings of the invitees reading out the sayings. Capture their expressions, smiles, and warm hugs. What can be a better way of presenting your funny retirement sayings?
Retirement has sometimes been looked at as a somber occasion. But, comments, greetings, adages, and poems like these can instantly turn an emotional event into a fun party and bring joy to your guest of honor. The only trick is to find funny retirement sayings and poems that are appropriate and also touching. Once you have integrated them into your introduction, speech or toast at the retirement do, you’re sure to lighten the mood and leave a smile on everyone’s face!
Combine Your Funny Retirement Sayings with a Thoughtful Gift!
You can always combine the funny retirement sayings, adages, jokes, messages, and other quips with a small yet, thoughful token or memento for your retiring friend to remember you by. For ideas of the kind of gifts you can buy, check out the video above. It will give you directions and information on our website that has a collection of handpicked retirement gifts that are sure to delight your esteemed recipient, whether man or woman. Team the gifts with cards on which you have handwritten or inscribed your favorite adage and you have the most perfect gift, ever.
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